
Building a VMO: Driving Business Agility with Value Stream Management.

As organizations start to modernize and manage work by product, traditional roles are changing. PMO roles—such as Program and Project Managers—are expanding and evolving due to the reorientation of organizations toward value-based outcomes. So what does the shift from the PMO to the VMO (Value Management Office) really look like?

Agile Rising’s team of SPCTs, including Chris Ruch, Marshall Guillory and Michelle Warner will discuss the organizational structure of a VMO, the key role the VMO plays in driving the transformation across both technology and business, and how an effective VMO can accelerate your transformation by:

  • Identifying where work is flowing across your product value streams
  • Establishing the cadence of events to lead the delivery of value
  • Generating flow metrics to measure value delivery correlated to business results
  • Creating a successful VMO implementation roadmap
Peer Connect Session 2022.2

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